Life of Carrie
Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog, nothing extraordinary just a rambling of thoughts and pictures.

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Cambridge Moms

The internet age and Motherhood:
I took an hour on Friday and went to a playgroup in Cambridge. It was organized by a woman on the Cambridge Moms email group. I think I've mentioned it before but being a mom in greater boston is like becoming part of an underground society. You just have to log in to find other moms to hang with. This one was kind of easy to meet up with since Esther is the wife of one of my co-workers Kristian. I didn't have to do the whole awkward - 'Hi, I'm carrie, I met you on the internet' thing ;-). Their kids are totally cute (Jack - in the bjorn - 5 months, and Emma - not pictured (too busy running around the playground) - 2 years).
Here's a few photos at Cooper Park near Harvard Square, I love how in the second photo you can see abby's chubby thighs. It reminds me of that comercial for some weight loss product where a couple pulls up to a fast food drive thru and orders a Ba-Donk-A-Donk Butt with a side of Thunder Thighs :-) brah ha aha ha!! Have you seen this commercial? I crack up every time I see it.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Abby Sausage

Here's my little girl all swaddled up. I should buy stock in this company kiddopotamus. They make the 'swaddle me' blanket that is basicly like a baby straight jacket. I put two of these on abby every night, a small one and a bigger one. The blanket velcros around the babys abdomen to keep their arms at their side. I hear this gives them that 'tight' sensation that they were used to in the womb. She seems to like it, and usually calms down for a nap or bedtime when I put her in it. It's funny I think I would hate being so confined but I guess babies are different. I'd like to get her to sleep without it so I tried a sleep sack for a nap the other day. She woke up after like 20 minutes, probably the first time she moved - realized her arms were free and was like 'this isn't right, I better wake up and complain about it'.
Abby's antics change all the time. I notice somthing new pretty much every week. First it was the baby babbling which is so cute. She loves to use her voice now and responds when you talk to her and smile. Then I noticed her doing 'leg aerobics' and sucking on her own hands (instead of the pacifier). She grabs at toys now too, and has even realized that this one particular toy makes a noise that she likes. It is one of those plush toys with a piece of cellophane inside that makes a crinkly noise. Last night I was holding her and showing her how the toy make that noise. Then she started swatting at it and was all smiles when she realized that she can make the noise too :-)
Well thats it for now, off to work.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
A few recent Abby Photos
Tighe's been taking photos and sending them to me at work daily. Here's a few of my doll. Abby is making lots of noise lately. She coo's all the time and it is not as hard to get her to start doing it. She also has new sounds, sort of like a squeal (I think it is delight) but not sure, when she is interacting with you she kicks her arms and legs around like crazy. I've also noticed that she is pretty fond of standing up on your lap and is no longer content to just lay down passively all the time.
Works been going well and Tighe is very skilled with calming Abby now when she is upset so thats really good. I'm having trouble fitting in *anything* else into my life however (mostly dancing and/or other forms of exercise). At the end of the work day I'm so looking forward to seeing Abby that it is hard to wait and do these other things and not see her. I'm still trying to work out how I can do everything but it is a little stressful. Somethings gotta give, either that or just fall into a regular routine.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Mr Mom

So last week was my first week back in the office. Oh my goodness much has been going on at work since I left. My main project, The Cancer Genome Atlas is getting ramped up and the pilot for this is in analysis mode. I am very busy with plenty of work to do already. This is good and bad. Good - because the day goes quicker when you are busy, and Bad - because I have no time to spare. I need a little extra time too since I'm trying to continue nursing Abby for awhile. Everyone said it would be hard and annoying to work and pump and I have found out that this is actually true. It is hard for me mostly because as project manager I have to attend alot of meetings. If I'm in a meeting I can't be pumping (that would be a bit unprofessional eh ;-)). Anyway I think I have it mostly worked out but it takes a little juggling.
Tighe is doing great being Mr Mom. The first day I called 3x to make sure he was feeding her enough etc... By the third day I only called once. I was sooo happy to be able to work at home on friday again because I was missing my little girl.