Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Girlie Man

Lincoln: "I am Hanz Lincon, and I am here to pump (clap) YOU up!" "Check out my gun show"
Abby: "What are talking about? You are like a little girly man, going to his little girlie house..."

& completely unrelated to said Saturday Night Live skit above:
Lance: "Excuse me, I'm the biggest kid in the tub and you are crowding me in down here by the faucet!!"

Museum of Science

Abby and I went to the museum of science this weekend. Lance, Lincoln, Emma & Jack came to play too. It was quite the production trying to keep a handle on 5 kids running around the Discovery Center. 4 Adults + 5 kids means we had to break out the zone defense instead of the man to man ;-).

Here's some photos from the mayhem.

Abby says, "Um... where am I?"

Abby was getting a little tired towards the end of the festivities.

Bottle for the baby astronaut

Abby playing with her friend Jack. It was funny, at one point she grabbed Jack's hand and wouldn't let go. I didn't get a shy girl!

Museum of Science II

Some more photos of the Museum of Science

Lincoln looks like a little devil here.

Emma is studying that fish pretty carefully. Future marine biologist?
Just trying to establish order from chaos

Kristian refers to himself as - 2-kid-carry certified :-)

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I've noticed lately that Abby is expressing her emotions more. So far I can see her get sad, angry, happy, and surprised. I love seeing her go from one to the other and back again all in the span of 30 seconds. Fickle as an 11 month old!

Happy Abby

Angry Abby

Abby getting a kiss from me :-)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bathroom Remodel

Here I am starting the next home improvement project.

And here is what is going in: 1 inch checkerboard tile. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Walkin' Abby

Got some video of Abby walking... though staggering is probably a better description.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hiking and Snowboarding in Conway

Abby, Tighe and I went up to Conway this weekend to visit the Sires Family. It was an action packed saturday for me. First, Tighe and I hiked South Moat Mountain which was a 5.5 mile round trip trail and then in the afternoon I went snowboarding with Theresa.

Abby had fun playing with her cousins Sam, Jeff and Earl all weekend.

Riding with Theresa at Cranmore

On the trail

This is called Twisting Triangle pose, check out Mt Chocoura in the background. Winter hiking brings many views because of the bare trees, love that!

Tighe on the trail

This is tighe doing the buddha pose.

Abby and her cousins

Here's my hippie girl bongo player.

Group shot of the cousins.

Sam and Abby hanging out early in the morning. Poor Sam, Abby woke him up at 7am!

One more hiking photo that wouldn't fit in the post above.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Babbling Baby

Abby is pretty funny lately babbling like crazy. She copies whoever is talking to her now and I love that. She says, ma ma ma, da da, brah brah brah, & hi-dah (I think this is hi dad).

She also consistently waves good bye, and smiles when we get to her daycare so I know she must be having fun there. One more thing that's new too is high fives, she's into that lately.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Hanging out with Pepe

Snuggling with Pepe

Yummy Train Engine

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I love paper

What is it with babies and paper? I am ALWAYS pulling bits of paper out of Abby's mouth. Here's a photo of her tearing pages out of my notebook from statistics class.

Apologies for the low quality photos by the way, our cannon is broken so I only have my iPhone camera right now :(.

Abby seems to feeling better thankfully, her fever is down and she seems happier. Now I'm sick however - sore throat, runny nose, etc. Lets hope Tighe stays healthy.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Toy

Poor Abby's got a fever right now. I got her up from her nap yesterday ~4 and she felt like she was burning up. Ever since it's been cycling between 100 and 103, but at everyone's advice (doctor included) I guess this is a normal thing. Feels odd though to just wait it out, I'm not very patient and I want her to feel better now!

We built her new toddler trike tonight and it seemed to make her smile :-) so that's the good news.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Campopiano's & Bzyczersons Visit

It was crazy here yesterday with the Campos & Andersons.
Abby had a lot of friends to play with though and I think she was into it.