Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


The past few days were spent in Conway, NH with the Sougnez, Sires, and Grene families. I just wanted to post some cute photos of Abby from her first trip to Storyland. Storyland is a photo-op heaven for Grammie Jeannie. She was loving it!

Abby gives Storyland the thumbs up.

Somebody help me!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cinderella & The Astronaut

We went over to Chris and Eva's for a BBQ tonight. They have the most awesome playroom with crazy amounts of toys. Maya even has her own 'office' now designed by her engineer dad to keep her little brother Max from eating all the crayons.

Here's Abby playing dress up with Maya's stuff. I think she looks like Cinderella since she insisted on holding onto the toy broom. Ian got into the action too and was dressed up with his Nasa helmet.

Dancing in the car

We have been hanging out in Chelmsford this weekend with the Grene, Sires and Archibald Families.

The three little ones had some fun playing in the car with Pepe. Thanks to Grammie Jeannie for shooting the video.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Indigo Girls

I went to the Indigo Girls concert at the Lowell Summer Music Festival last night. They played and sang beautifully as always. Some of my favorites were on the set list including, Power of Two, Watershed, and Get Out the Map. They also played some really pretty new songs, my favorite being Fleet of Hope. Unfortunately, I had to give away the second ticket because Abby has been sick and we couldn't leave her with a sitter. It wasn't too bad going solo actually. Because I was alone, I found a great seat up near the stage where I could squeeze in with some folks who marked out their spot early.

Check out my view:

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Just because I think she looks cute with pigtails....

Sunday, July 06, 2008


We went to visit Abby's Grammie and Pepe today and stopped along the way to pick strawberries (or as Abby calls all berries - bubbies). It is definitely the end of the season for picking and I don't think our recent week of rain here helped any. The pickings were slim but we managed to get 1 basket of berries out of the event.

Farm hand hard at work, all business..
Posing with her pickings :)

Had to wash up after all that hard work...
I'm so tired, I think I'll just rest here on Pepe's belly.


We got a last minute invite last night to go to a carnival in Lexington on Saturday. Didn't take me long to agree and get everyone out the door and on the way. We met up with Tim, Janine & The Cibulskis Family for a few hours of fun, rides and even a bit of grief from the angry carnival staff. ;) Thanks to Tim for the awesome photos he took.

Gotta say, I love amusement park rides, especially the ones that play Bon Jovi at high volume. This is Abby's first carnival ride, captured on video.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Elisabeth's Party

Happy birthday to Elisabeth Quirbach :)

I want my own princess hat too!

Abby is saying "yes daaa-ling, you may take me to the country club now". Imagine stuffy, snobby-attitude voice here ;)

What do you think of Abby's new preppy dress? Her auntie Kathy gave it to her. Since she has no girls of her own Kathy buys Abby all these fashionable clothes.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Wrights Pond Beach Party

The Ormsby's and The Quirbach's came over last Sunday to go swimming in Wrights Pond. It dawned on me yesterday that Summer is already partly over because goodness its July!

Abby in her super girly pink polka dot bathing suit

Auntie Jess playing with Abby, who is totally into playing in the water. If only I could keep her from drinking it all the time. I've taken to saying 'ukk-aa' when she does it.

Josh and Aiden with his crazy red hair!

Abby playing in the water under close supervision. She's not afraid at all and if you are not watching her she dunks right under.

All the girls hanging out in the water.

A little bit earlier in the day at the Stone Zoo. My favorite there are the Flamingos, they have a whole flock of them. I also like how Abby calls every animal 'doggie', even the leopard!