Abby on Film
A little dancing
A little talking on the iPhone
I like how she realizes that there is buttons on the touch screen :)
Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog, nothing extraordinary just a rambling of thoughts and pictures.
A little dancing
We met up with the Cibulskis's today at Garden in the Woods. It is a botanical garden with these giant insect sculptures & a guided nature walk. Abby, Emma and Jack were pretty into it and enjoying being able to roam free for the morning. My favorite sculpture was the praying mantis although the dragonflies in the pond came in a close second.
Kathy & Brian's house is so great for hanging out with kids. Auntie Kathy has this awesome new swing set, it is almost like having your own backyard park.
We went to Chelmsford this weekend to babysit for Lance and Lincoln so that everyone else could go to Michael and Jason's wedding. Lance and Lincoln have both gotten so fun lately. Lincoln remembers everyone's name - even people he has only met once or twice. He is also a big fan of the book 'Gruffalo' which I read him twice before he fell asleep in my arms last night (so sweet!). Lance is really into pretend playing and he and I played 'special delivery' for a half hour where we both had to be truck drivers and drop off the food orders to stop and shop :).
Just thought I would post a bit more about the Miskell visit up north. It was really nice to hang out again with the Miskell cousins. I can't believe how grown up they are all getting. Don't I sound like an old spinster aunt saying that ;)??? But seriously, Sinead is a teenager now and taking a 'transistion year' to travel, Jeff is driving, Sam and Rachel are in Jr high and Brittney has a boyfriend!!