Cousins Visit
A few photos of the summer time lunch at Grammie Jeannie's

Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog, nothing extraordinary just a rambling of thoughts and pictures.
A few photos of the summer time lunch at Grammie Jeannie's
We went home to chelmsford this weekend to have lunch with the Archibalds who were passing through on their way to Maine. My mom says she is still trying to clean out her darkroom but I'll believe that when I see it. I started digging through the boxes a bit and found a few old photos.
Abby and I drove up to Gloucester today to celebrate our friend Chris Morses's birthday.
Abby is into spinning now (and a little arm flapping). I think it's pretty funny, check out her moves.
Saturday was a beautiful sunny day so we decided to try out climbing at Hammond Pond. It was a new experience in family climbing :-), we had 3 kids and 4 adults. Amazingly it worked out great, the kids had fun playing outside and the adults got to try out climbing again on some real rock. After climbing in the gym all spring I was so excited to get outside again.
Poor Abby fell down at the playground today. I was letting her climb on and off the curb and she fell right on her head. She has a cut on her nose and a big bump on her forehead. :(
Abby is talking so much lately. This morning she said a two word phrase several times.
I really like our Sougnez cousin dynamic right now. Lance is the big kid, about to turn 3. Lincoln (the middle child) is almost 2, and Abby (the baby) is holding her own despite being the youngest & a girl! She is really into the baby pool & water table and doesn't seem afraid of water at all.
My mom did a little photo shoot of Abby and I today while we were home visiting my sister & the boys from Bristol. It is very VERY hot here in Boston today so Abby's got her bathing suit on. Gotta love the summer. So nice to be hot & sticky and splash around in the baby pool for the morning.
I could really use a Wet-Nap!
On Sunday we went for a hike in Carlisle State Forest. There was this horseback riding event there which made for an interesting walk (kept having to move out of the way of groups of people riding). Abby seemed pretty entertained by them though so I can't complain. Nobody could wait until after the hike for ice cream so we were pre-fueled for this hike with plenty of sugar. ;)