Life of Carrie
Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog, nothing extraordinary just a rambling of thoughts and pictures.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Fixing the Front Stairs
On Christmas day last year we were walking in the door and felt the ground give way underneath our feet. The stairs had caved in... fabulous. At first I thought it meant there would be a few bricks replaced but then soon learned that it was much more involved.
Here's a few photos of the work in progress and now the almost final result.
Special thanks to my mom for watching Abby and also my Dad for his help and advice.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Abby had her first trip to the ER today. I was driving along after picking her up from daycare and I got rear ended by this guy in white sedan. It jerked us pretty bad and my neck is a little sore. Abby's pediatrician recommended I take her to get checked out so she and I went to Winchester Hospital where they have a special pediatric ER room. I can't say enough about how nice they were there, we were in and out quickly and Abby even got some toys to take home. Can't say I'm happy about getting hit though, my car is a little sad too :(.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Abby Soup
My mom has this thing she does with all the kids. She takes a photo of them every year in this soup pot. Here is the 2008 version of Abigail soup. I love Abby's furled brow expression here, so cute.

Check out Abby's David Ortiz Red Sox jersey

Abby's new outside toy, a watertable. So far, she seems into it. Who wouldn't be?

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Pizza boxes & the woods
Like most other toddlers, Abby is quite intrigued by boxes. After coming home from the conference last night we got take out from Bertuccis. Here is Abigail happy as clam playing with the box.

Jealous of her friend Jack and his cool-dude look, Abby had to get some sunglasses too.

We went for a hike in the Fells today out by Winchester. I've come to realize you don't make it far when there is a one year old who wants to pick up every rock and twig and eat it ;).

Visiting Grandpa
Kathy and I met up in Southbridge last weekend to visit Granny (who just had hip surgery) and Grandpa who is still recovering from quadruple bypass. They were both in good spirits and seemed happy to have a visit from the great grandchildren who tagged along for the ride.