Life of Carrie
Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog, nothing extraordinary just a rambling of thoughts and pictures.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

I know that everyone is probably sick of seeing home improvement projects on my blog but I can't resist putting up our latest undertaking. This is the baby to be's room as we started painting it. We have a somewhat ambitious plan that involves, 2 wall colors, changing all the trim and window to white, installing a chair rail where the 2 wall colors meet, and painting the doors. Here are some photos of the work in progress.

Christmas in Chicago: Tighe and I visited his family this year in the Windy City. It was nice to visit with the Hawkins and Walsh Clans. I really feel for Tighe living so far from the rest of his family and I like it when we are able to go and visit with them. Here is a photo from Christmas Eve - all three girls are dancing to a Christmas CD. Notice that Ceci is playing air guitar. She is quite the little muscician and is always singing.

Here's the crew from International Stone in Woburn actually working on the installation. I didn't catch any of these guys names as they didn't speak much English, but I was trying with the little bit of Espanol that I can speak. Anyway these guys did a great job, I was pretty surprised at how heavy the actual slabs were. There were 3 guys and it looked pretty challenging for them to carry it into the house.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
-Theodore Roosevelt
Last of the kitchen cabinets are up. This project is almost over, yay! After having a birthday/christmas pasta dinner at my parents last night Tighe and I woke up and worked on our kitchen some more. Today we fastened together the last of the wall cabinets and Chris Morse came over to help us lift/hang them. Project manager Jeff Sougnez couldn't make it today but mom and dad both stopped by this evening and gave their approval. I think they look quite good don't you think? Now all we need is the countertop install and to plumb in the sink. The granite 'verde papillion' is scheduled to show up on Friday morning and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will look.
One thing I noticed today was that I'm feeling more and more pregnant lately. As we were working on the cabinets this morning I would get tired and need to sit down for a bit. I was reading that a woman at this stage of pregnancy has 50% more blood volume than usual which makes the heart have to work harder just to be at rest. I'm feeling fine, just winded a bit, and lightheaded sometimes. Well thats it for now. Merry Christmas everyone!

Kari O and Scott - Kari and I have been friends since like junior high. I miss her much now that she lives in CT. Scott her brother is a great guy, he does puppet voices with cabbage patch kids (kari will laugh at this comment). His little twins (a boy and a girl) are really lucky to have such a funny dad.