Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
-Theodore Roosevelt
Last of the kitchen cabinets are up. This project is almost over, yay! After having a birthday/christmas pasta dinner at my parents last night Tighe and I woke up and worked on our kitchen some more. Today we fastened together the last of the wall cabinets and Chris Morse came over to help us lift/hang them. Project manager Jeff Sougnez couldn't make it today but mom and dad both stopped by this evening and gave their approval. I think they look quite good don't you think? Now all we need is the countertop install and to plumb in the sink. The granite 'verde papillion' is scheduled to show up on Friday morning and I'm looking forward to seeing how it will look.
One thing I noticed today was that I'm feeling more and more pregnant lately. As we were working on the cabinets this morning I would get tired and need to sit down for a bit. I was reading that a woman at this stage of pregnancy has 50% more blood volume than usual which makes the heart have to work harder just to be at rest. I'm feeling fine, just winded a bit, and lightheaded sometimes. Well thats it for now. Merry Christmas everyone!

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