Life of Carrie
Hi Everyone, welcome to my blog, nothing extraordinary just a rambling of thoughts and pictures.

Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006

We are having a girl! I had the level II ultrasound this week where they measure everything and make sure the baby looks normal. The dr was able to tell us the good news that it's a girl. We are pretty psyched and are now trying to mull over all the girl names. Who know's by 2047 (that is when our girl will be 40) perhaps the country will be ready for a woman president?

Monday, September 18, 2006

35th Lodge Anniversary - Tighe and I and a bunch of other NUHOC alumni headed up to the Lodge this weekend for the 35th anniversary alumni weekend. It was a beautiful weekend to be at the lodge and we had a great time. Many old timers were there - and I think I finally consider myself one of them. For the longest time I still considered myself 'just out of school' but now seeing some of the current undergrads I know that I'm now one of the 'old folk'. But who really cares, amongst very cool NUHOCER's it doesn't matter if you graduated in 1998 or will in 2008 we all have enough in common to have a fun weekend at the lodge. Check out the pig roasting over the open fire.