Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gob Gob Gob

Abby has been babbling more and more recently. Currently, her favorite words to say sound like "Gob gob gob...". See for yourself.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pre-Run of the Charles

Amy and Jay and the other NUHOCers are in town for the Run of the Charles. When we get together now the kids almost out number the adults. Tonight we went to the Morse's for pre-race carbohydrates of solid (pasta) and liquid (beer) form :-). I'm off to the actual race in a few minutes, lets hope the rain lets up a bit.

Abby with the youngest Campo, Julian

Whole buncha kids :-)

Morse and Eva have an awesome play room with tons of stuff. This was Abby's first experience with a play kitchen.
"I think I'll do some dishes"

"Look how super tall I am"

Visit to Bristol and hanging out in the yard

Kathy and Brian went to the Bahamas for a week and left the boys with my mom and Sam. I went down on Saturday night to help out a bit. It was chaotic but fun down there. Being an Aunt is great fun, and Abby just loves playing with her cousins.

It was so warm in Bristol we were all wearing T-shirts and shorts.

With the Spring-ish weather here I've been taking Abby out in the backyard before dinner. She likes being out in the open space and so do I. I think it is time to Kid-Proof the backyard however, the old broken windows there behind her from our kitchen renovation are no good!

Hammond Pond

Last weekend we went to hammond pond to meet up with Kristian, Esther, Jack and Emma. Abby was pretty entertained trying to feed the evil swan and also by just hanging out with the other kids. It was a warm and beautiful day to play with friends in the woods.

Abby is into trying to run these days. Whenever there is a large space in front of her, off she goes!

Crazy, evil swan. I think this bird is too used to being fed by visitors. There was no fear of people in him and he kept getting too close to the kids offering goldfish :-).

Friday, April 25, 2008

Done with the pasta

When she is done, she's done. Pardon my goofy laughing in the background, I could never be a camera man for a comedy show ;).

Friday, April 18, 2008

MBA5K for Autism Race

My friend Kari organizes a family outing to run the MBA5K race at BC. The race benefits Doug Flutie's Autism Foundation. Abby came this year again to watch me run. Thanks to Grammie Jeannie for playing with her while I ran. My time this year was improved: 30:10, still slow but I'll take it anyway :-).

I love my auntie

Kathy was getting her hair done at Michaels so we went down to say hi. She was looking like a model with her hair all blonde and smooth. Abby was so tired that she just snuggled Kathy's shoulder. Gotta love that.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A little Abby dance

Abby will dance once in a while now. She does two moves (tipping her head from side to side, and a little knee bounce). Grammy Jeannie's voice is the one egging her on :).

Sunday, April 06, 2008

All Done

One of Abby's new tricks is that if you say "all done" to her, she will wipe her hands together. In this video it even sounds like she says "All done" herself!

A Misty Day at Walden

In wilderness is the preservation of the world.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A few photos of Abby at the childrens museum

Playing on a toy duck
Green Monster photos

Forget the museum, look at all the cool buildings outside.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A little blast from the past

Of my carefree pre-mom days :-)

A little Foxtrot:

And a little Samba: