When in Rome I say. This past weekend we visited Tighe's parents down in North Carolina. They live in a community called the Country Club of North Carolina which is actually a big golf course with a bunch of homes around it. Definately a beautiful place in the Spring. The dogwoods were blooming, and the weather could not have been better. Tim, Tighe and I did a 'bucket of balls' each at the driving range to warm up our golf game (ok I'm joking here, I got no golf 'game' since I've only actually played the game twice). Anyway, since the next few days we had family stuff to do we planned on playing golf on Monday before we flew back to boston. Well, that never happened. It turned out that I woke up on Monday morning (like middle of the night-morning) with some bad Food Poisoning. Not Fun. The trip was not all lost though because we had already had such a great time. A few of the highlights were the fabulous brunch on Sunday morning, relaxing on the Hawkins-Villa porch, and a roaring-laughter generating game of Charades with the Walsh klan on Easter night. Thanks to everyone out there that made us feel so welcome in NC.