Some Recent Abby Activities
I've got it in my head to finish the bathroom floor project that was started last February. The door jam needs to be filled in with a piece of marble so we went to home depot to get supplies.
Abby loves riding around in the little car part attached to the carriages.

They also had this kid workshop going on for kids so we stopped to build a tool box for abby.
For all the parents out there, the everett home depot has a a kids workshop with real tools every saturday at 10am. Who knew? Oh, and it's free.

Last weekend we met up with Maya and Max Morse at the Childrens Museum. Abby is loving the blue man group part. She also seems really into the golf balls room where they have all these little tracks & slides to play with. I'm hoping I have a combo enginner-musician on my hands :).

I have to admit, I have a serious weakness for buying cute clothes for Abby. I can hardly resist sometimes when I see something I like. Mostly I like the clothes that look like I would wear them except they are in tiny sizes. Check out my latest purchase.

Oh yeah, Abby's been into asserting her will more and more these days ;). Usually, when she doesn't get something she wants the following three things happen.
1. confused look on her face
2. Whining
3. Hands down on the floor (like the photo below) followed by laying down and crying.
It's pretty funny, I have a feeling I was pretty strong willed as a child so perhaps this is payback ;).

Yes, she is just like her Mom....she has a strong will...good for her...that's a wonderful trait in life!!! She was so well behaved with Ivy Jane at St. Catherine's. They just thought that Church was their new playground...good for them!!!
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