Big Girls & Little Babies
My oldest friend Andrea had another baby a few weeks ago. Here I am holding her, isn't she so cute and teeny tiny? Elisabeth is so excited to have a baby sister and I enjoyed getting to visit this new little addition. She looks a bit more italian than Andrea's first (darker skin) and just beautiful!

Abby's been into trying anything that a grown up would do lately and often demands 'no-help' when she wants to try something herself. She can put on her own shoes now, this one is jussst a wee bit big :).

Pee-pee on the potty has become somewhat of a regular activity too (at least once or twice a day) and she officially pooped on the potty yesterday (thanks to me making her sit there for about 10 minutes). For Abby I think the fun part is the routine associated with using the potty... especially the 'wipe' part.

Big girl helping mom cook.

And getting a serious rock gear obsession going on (oh wait, thats me ;)) check out my new stuff and my pretty model !

Morgan Quirbach is "gorgeous"....she looks like the Italian side of the the new blog entries...Abby is too funny - just like her MOM and DAD!!!!
Love the pictures, Carrie; especially love the picture of the bathroom---a perfect illustration for a book on potty training!
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