2 month appointment

I took Abby to her 2 month appointment yesterday.
Everything was a-ok with her.
Stats - 23 inches long, 11.9 lbs
I thought she would be 12lbs by now but the doctor said she is gaining in the normal range.
Then they gave her the shots (3 injections, and 1 oral dose of the rotavirus vaccine).
It was rough to just sit there while the nurse stuck her 3 times (twice on the left, once on the right). It was not a fun day. You hand over a content, happy, cooing (she does this now - it is so cute) baby to the nurse. The nurse sticks the baby, and the baby cries out a cry that most moms are not used to hearing (high pitched, wailing, loud PAIN cry). Then the nurse hands you back this screaming, red faced, REALY PISSED OFF baby. I felt so bad for Abby. When I took her home, she went right to sleep for about an hour until like 3:30 when she woke up screaming again (same kind of scream as in the appointment). At that point I started giving her tylenol. For the rest of the day until like 8pm if her eyes were open she was screaming, NOT like her at all. I gave her 2 more doses of tylenol thru the night and she seems fine today. I'm glad that's over.
And then the Grammy's came over to visit and go to the pond....she's all better and having fun with her family.....I remember those days....it's all for the best, but it's hard to see your little one crying in pain....have a great "run of the Charles" this weekend.....
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