Can you say sleep deprived?

Oh my goodness. I'm so tired, never knew how much a newborn requires. I mean they are sleeping, eating and pooping machines basically and you have to take care of every feeding, every settling down for a nap and every dirty diaper. All of this is on a 1.5 - 3 hour cycle 24 hours a day. Craziness.
Abby is doing great, she had the 2 week check up yesterday and has gained a full pound since her last appointment a week ago. She is now 8lb 14oz. The dr said she was the picture of health so at least Tighe and I are succeeding on that front.
I, on the other hand am having a bit more trouble with the lifestyle adjustment. Mainly, what is hardest is the interrupted sleep. I feel like a zombie most of the day and night and I find it difficult to distinguish between the 2 because I'm in the same state either way - tired, and trying to make sure Abby has what she needs. I'd describe my current state as 'survival mode' Carrie - trying to function as best I can while Abby grows to figure out that night is different from day and that she can take in enough milk to get her satisfied for more than a few hours.
The past few days both Tighe and I have noticed she is more 'aware' during the day and wants to stay awake a bit more. I hope this is a good sign that she will start to sleep slightly longer at night and for shorter spurts during the day. Wishful thinking maybe but when you are in survival mode you cling to whatever hope you have.
I continue to be 'taken' with my little girl tho and enjoy my time with her very much. When I'm up in the middle of the night nursing (usually at 1 and 4 am) I think to myself, there are moms all over the world also up doing this very same thing and trying to give the best to thier children. That is all I want for abby, the very best I can give her, even if it means zombie Carrie for a few more weeks.
Abby's taking a nap now so I'm off to close my eyes for a min or two.
You worded it "100%" correct Mom-Carrie...the sleep thing will make you "crazy"'s only temporary's the most fun to have a daughter...I should know...I have 2 wonderful girls......and they are both wonderful Moms too!!!!
Your mom is right! it is TEMPORARY.. the sleeplessness sucks but it gets 100% better, i promise.
You will survive. If I did, you will :)
She is beautiful
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