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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Baby Out

How do you convince a baby that it is time to be born? Tomorrow marks my 39th week of pregnancy and the baby still seems comfortable in there and shows no signs of wanting to come out. I never realized how impatient I'd be in this end stage to just 'get on with it' and have the baby already. Of course I've never been blessed with the virtue of patience but seriously - 40 weeks is a long time to wait for something so big, exciting, and life changing.

Other news besides my impatience: Tighe and I figured out the daycare situation which is a huge stress off of my mind. We found a woman Maureen who runs a home daycare not far from our house in medford. After I go back to work - Tighe is going to stay home an additional month, and then the baby will start going to Maureen's 4 days a week for the summer. I plan to do 4 day weeks for much of June, July and Aug and we will figure out the plan for the fall later on. I'm hoping that we can get a spot at one of the cambridge/MIT centers by then. Maureen can keep caring for the baby, but I'd need to figure out something for fridays because well.... - I can't work 4 days a week forever -though it would be nice wouldn't it?

I've been really focused at work lately. I have no time to spare as one of my projects is in a critical phase and I want to get it finished up (and pass off what I need to pass off to others) before the baby arrives and I'm not there for 10 weeks. Everyone at work has been really awesome offering to step in where necessary to cover things and I'm confident my projects will go ok while I'm off on leave.

Anyway back to the home front, in the attempt to coax the baby out of my belly Tighe and I went for a walk in the Fells today (they say walking can help bring on labor). Here are some photos from our hike as well as the latest (and maybe last?) belly shots. 39weeks.


At 2/12/07, 10:41 AM, Blogger lifeofjeannie371 said...

Hi -- You look wonderful Carrie ...and Tighe looks handsome too!!!! It's ok to be impatient at this point...we all are waiting for Abigail to arrive in this world too....Life is great!!! We love you very much.....


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