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Friday, October 03, 2008

Wright's Tower

It was such a beautiful fall day today and I felt like getting outside so I took Abby to Wright's Tower in the Fells. I drive by it with her on the way home from daycare everyday, but rarely stop to smell the roses. She totally loves getting out for a walk and was even able to to truck up the steep hill with the rocks, mud and grass.

I often read her the book 'Going on a Bear Hunt' and I kept repeating lines from it while we hiked. Her favorite was 'Swishy Swashy' when we went through some tall brown grass.

Swishy Swashy, Swishy Swashy

She loves sitting on just about anything lately, curbs, stairs, tables, chairs... and declares to everyone around her 'I sit'. She's also into trying to push someone out of a spot where she would like to sit. Demanding!

Here's the tower, we made it at just about sunset.


At 10/4/08, 7:22 AM, Blogger Jeannie Sougnez said...

She loves to be outside....I love that little coat on her....Yes, the Ballet suit looks adorable....are these at the used store? You'll be trick-or-treating in Chicago right? Have fun!!!


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