A weekend of bike rides
Every morning when we go out the front door now Abby delcares 'Bike' and/or 'Ride'. I decided to indulge her a bit this weekend and take her out on bike rides 2 days in a row.
Saturday - we started off at the park in Davis square and made it out to Spy Pond and back. Sunday was a bit more ambitious and I took her all the way out to Lexington for ice cream. She is pretty into riding fast on the bike and says 'wee wee wee' when we really get going.

On Saturday morning we ran into The Cibulskis kids, and it was pretty cute to see Abby and Emma wearing the same shirt! Gotta love Old Navy for the cute kiddie outfits.

Spy Pond - just past Alewife

Abby reading the newspaper with me at the restaurant. We stopped for breakfast after the ride since it was almost 11am and neither of us had eaten.

Hanging out at the park - Abby calls this structure the 'wobbly' ;)

Here is the start of the Sunday ride, look at how happy she is to be strapped into her bike seat!

Ice cream in Lexington Center, mmmmm so good!

The Museum of Science on Sunday morning. Abby just loves it there, she is so into the water table :)

Great photographs Carrie....glad you put up some new stuff...I know I'm "lax" on the blog...will put some events up tomorrow....love the bike rides!!!
You are such a FUN mom!
Love all the pictures!!!! As JOY said "You ARE such a FUN mom!"
----Grandma Janney
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