It's weird, Abby's been having some meltdowns lately. I think its either associated with sickness (she still has a crusty, green snotty nose) or teething. She usually goes to bed at 8 but last night at like 7pm she went into full meltdown mode (loud, scream like crying no matter what we did).
We ended up putting her to bed early, but she woke up several times before 11pm crying. I finally gave in and she got a dropper full of infant decongestant and motrin. After that she went back to sleep and seems happy today.
I think the hardest part of being a parent is the lack of ability to predict anything (especially baby's mood). Work's been pretty stressful lately and I have lots to do, but when you come home at night and the baby's unhappy I drop everything everything else to take care of the Abby Project. Of course I don't mind, she's the best project I have ;-).
Here's a photo of her from this morning (taken with my laptop's camera).

And the other part is that they don't know how to tell you what's wrong....that's so frustrating....and an endless communication "monkeywrench" in "baby world". She looks great in the you....Grammy Jeannie
Maggie did some strange stuff at 6-7 mo - for her it was a wake up call at 4:00am... I think some of it can be the start of stranger anxiety (always looking for you) - and I think more of it is - WOW I am old enough to have some attitude and personality now!!! Isn't it all just great?!!! Great pics!
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