How does one move a house?
With a lot of money :-)
Harvard is paying 1 million dollars to move one of their buildings Ukrainian House one block up mass ave. I guess they are building a new facility where the old Victorian house was originally built. Due to the houses size they had to take down the power lines, parking meters and other street paraphernalia, and pay 30 cambridge policeman to control the crowd of people who turned out to see the event. Tighe, Abby and I walked down there today to check it out. We didn't get to see the building in the street though because to do that we would had to have been up at 5 AM! Notice how in one picture the house is facing in towards the side street, and in the next one the house faces mass ave.
Just the fact that a house can be moved is sort of amazing isn't it? It's all about having the right engineers to plan how it can be done.

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